

What's FairClick?

To put it simply: FairClick will automatically place the order for you at the Presale launch. For sellouts, the items will be randomly distributed among orders. FairClick will be available for both customers and Stylists. This means that if you want an item that is going to sell out, you will want to use the FairClick process, instead of waiting until Presale time and placing the order manually.

When can I place a FairClick order?

Placing or cancelling a FairClick order will have a deadline of the presale launch. That means 12:00pm PST or 3:00pm EST. You can place your order with FairClick any time in advance of the product launching once the product appears on our website with a count down.

How are items distributed?

Items will be distributed randomly across orders. Let's take the Long Shot Tank as an example. We take all of the individual requests for the Long Shot Tank. By individual requests, we mean each individual request. If the tank is going to sell out, our system shuffles up the requests, and randomly distributes our inventory across all orders. This means if you have an order of 5 tanks, you may only receive a partial amount. In short, there will be no advantage between placing multiple orders or one large order.

How will I pay?

For a FairClick order, you will pay with a saved card, gift card or account credits. FairClick accepts all order types and payment types that we already support. This means sample orders, account credits, gift cards, etc.

What happens if my credit card gets declined?

If there is an issue with payment, we will reserve the inventory for your order for 48 hours. Your order will go into a Waiting for Payment status. This gives you the chance to complete your order without losing the inventory.

How long will I have to complete a Waiting for Payment order?

You will need to complete your Waiting for Payment order within 24 hours or the inventory will go back into stock for someone else.

How will I know if my order went through?

After the orders have all been completed, if you received inventory you will receive an order confirmation email. We will be adding an email notifying you that we were not able to secure your order in the future, although it's not implemented quite yet! You can of course always go into your order history after the launch time and check there as well.

What time will the FairClick orders be processed?

FairClick orders will be processed 30 seconds after Presale launch time. Everyone's FairClick orders will be processed at the same time. This means 12:00:30pm PST and 3:00:30pm EST.

What time will manually paying be available?

Orders placed outside of the FairClick process will be available for purchase 1 minute after launch time. This means 12:01PM PST and 3:01PM EST. It is more advantageous to use the FairClick option as these orders will be processed first, 1 minute ahead of manually placed orders.